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Example API Calls

Explore sample client API calls, illustrated by the beam repository's Api.ts file...

import { apiRoot, resonateUrl } from "../constants";

export const API = `${resonateUrl}${apiRoot}/`;
export const oidcStorage = `oidc.user:${process.env.REACT_APP_AUTHORITY}:${process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID}`;

class NotFoundError extends Error {
constructor(params: any) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, NotFoundError.prototype);
// Maintains proper stack trace for where our error was thrown (only available on V8)
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, NotFoundError);

this.message = "Not Found";

export const getToken = () => {
let token: string | undefined = undefined;
try {
const stateString = localStorage.getItem("state");
const state = JSON.parse(stateString ?? "");
token = state?.token;
} catch (e) {}

try {
const oauthStateString = localStorage.getItem(oidcStorage);
const oauthState = JSON.parse(oauthStateString ?? "");
token = oauthState.access_token;
} catch (e) {}
return { token: token };

export const errorHandler = async (result: Response) => {
if (!result.ok) {
if (result.status === 404) {
throw new NotFoundError(result);
if (result.status === 400) {
const error = await result.json();
console.error(error.status, error.message, error);
if (error.errors) {
throw new Error("There was a problem communicating with the API");
if (result.status === 500) {
throw new Error("There was a problem communicating with the API");

export const fetchWrapper = async (
url: string,
options: RequestInit,
apiOptions?: APIOptions,
pagination?: boolean
) => {
const { token } = getToken();
let fullUrl = `${API}${url}`;
if (apiOptions && options.method === "GET") {
const params = new URLSearchParams();
Object.keys(apiOptions).forEach((key) => {
params.set(key, `${apiOptions[key]}`);
fullUrl += `?${params}`;

return fetch(fullUrl, {
headers: {
apiOptions?.format && typeof apiOptions?.format === "string"
? apiOptions.format
: "application/json",
...(token ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` } : {}),
.then(async (result) => {
await errorHandler(result);
if (apiOptions?.format !== "application/csv") {
return result.json();
return result.blob();
.then((result) => {
if (pagination) {
return result;

* Playlists

export interface FetchTrackGroupFilter extends APIOptions {
type?: TrackgroupType;

export const fetchPlaylists = async (
options?: FetchTrackGroupFilter
): Promise<APIPaginatedResult<Trackgroup>> => {
return fetchWrapper(
method: "GET",

export const fetchPlaylist = async (id: string): Promise<TrackgroupDetail> => {
return fetchWrapper(`playlists/${id}`, {
method: "GET",

* Track groups

export const fetchTrackGroups = async (
options?: FetchTrackGroupFilter
): Promise<APIPaginatedResult<Trackgroup>> => {
return fetchWrapper(
method: "GET",

export const fetchTrackGroup = async (
id: string
): Promise<TrackgroupDetail> => {
return fetchWrapper(`trackgroups/${id}`, {
method: "GET",

interface TagOptions extends APIOptions {
tag: string;

export const fetchByTag = async ({
}: TagOptions): Promise<{
data: { trackgroups: Trackgroup[]; tracks: Track[] };
}> => {
return fetchWrapper(
method: "GET",
* Label endpoints

export const fetchLabels = (
options?: APIOptions
): Promise<APIPaginatedResult<Label>> => {
return fetchWrapper(`labels`, { method: "GET" }, options, true);

export const fetchLabel = (labelId: string): Promise<Label> => {
return fetchWrapper(`labels/${labelId}`, {
method: "GET",

export const fetchLabelReleases = (labelId: string): Promise<Release[]> => {
return fetchWrapper(`labels/${labelId}/releases`, {
method: "GET",

export const fetchLabelArtists = (labelId: string): Promise<LabelArtist[]> => {
return fetchWrapper(`labels/${labelId}/artists`, {
method: "GET",

* Artist endpoints

export const fetchArtists = (
options?: APIOptions
): Promise<APIPaginatedResult<Artist>> => {
return fetchWrapper(
method: "GET",

export const fetchArtist = (artistId: string): Promise<Artist> => {
return fetchWrapper(`artists/${artistId}`, {
method: "GET",

export const fetchArtistReleases = (artistId: string): Promise<Release[]> => {
return fetchWrapper(`artists/${artistId}/releases`, {
method: "GET",

export const fetchArtistTopTracks = (artistId: string): Promise<Track[]> => {
return fetchWrapper(`artists/${artistId}/tracks/top`, {
method: "GET",

* Track endpoints

export const fetchTracks = (
options: APIOptions
): Promise<APIPaginatedResult<Track>> => {
return fetchWrapper(
method: "GET",
).then((results) => {
return { ...results, data: Track) => ({ ...r })) };

export const fetchTrack = (trackId: string): Promise<Track> => {
return fetchWrapper(`tracks/${trackId}`, {
method: "GET",

* Search endpoints

export const fetchSearchResults = (
searchString: string
): Promise<{
artists: Artist[];
trackgroups: Trackgroup[];
tracks: Track[];
labels: Label[];
bands: Artist[];
}> => {
return fetchWrapper(
{ method: "GET" },
// NOTE: API is looking for actual "+" (%2B) values instead of whitespace (%20)
{ q: searchString.replace(/ /g, "+") }