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🛠 Status: Active Development | Experimental

This project is currently broken and under very active development.

Tracks API

A rewrite of the Resonate tracks api, but with one database to rule them all.

View the product backlog, where work is tracked for this repository.

Getting started with local dev​

git clone <repo>
cd <repo>
cp .env.example .env
cp jwk-keys.json.example jwk-keys.json
cp cookies-keys.json.example cookies-keys.json
yarn install
docker-compose up

Migrations should have run as part of docker-compose up

Seed the data

yarn docker:seed:all

Now go to http://localhost:4000/docs and you should see the swagger docs!


In short, you need to start the special test container.

yarn docker:compose:test:up

Load in some preliminary test data

yarn docker:seed:all:test

And then run the tests.

yarn test:all

Check out the test for more details.

Code standards​

We use Standard Style throughout the project. We recommend installing a plugin in whatever your favorite editor is to automatically format code on save, so that you don't have to worry about it. A check will run on any Pull Request that will fail if it's not styled correctly.

We use commitlint to verify that commits are machine and human readable using conventional commits. A check will run on any Pull Request that will fail if it commits are not named correctly.


This API is an API, and as such, it needs clients to be particularly useful!

To register a client, you can simply add one to the database. Check out the client-seeder for what that could look like. For testing purposes you want to take particular note of the meta_data.allowed-cors-origins and redirect_uris. Note that if you are building a browser client and don't match the same origin as in the allowed-cors-origins your requests will fail!

If you're just looking to get started with the API to build your own client, you can use the client in client-seeder.

Note: we should write a thorough guide for that!


Swagger generates docs, you can see them at:


Workers (Uploading Music, Images, Etc)​

If you want to upload music or upload images, you'll need a worker running.

docker exec -it resonate-api node src/jobs/queue-worker.js run convert-audio

TODO: we should look into setting this up so that it starts running automatically on docker-compose up. The right way to do this is probably to set up a container that launches the job.

Docker tips & tricks​

Hard rebuild the docker container

sudo rm -rf data/ && docker-compose up --build

Poke around the resonate db

docker ps # look for the resonate pgsql container name
docker exec -it <resonate-pgsql-container-name> psql -U resonate

Resetting the database​

This will need to be run to reset the database periodically while migrations are still being squared away.

yarn docker:migrate:undo:all
yarn docker:migrate
yarn docker:seed:all

Troubleshooting The Database​

Check out the src/db/ for some common database issues.

NGINX and getting things running on the server​

The API should just get started if you run

docker-compose up

on your server. However! There are intricacies around SSL and NGINX that are documented in the nginx folder.

Deploying to *​


Stage is at It's hosted on our Hetzner servers.

Check out the GitHub deploy-stage for how we do it.

Deploying to prod​


Prod is at It's hosted on our Hetzner servers.

Right now we manually deploy prod. Check out the nginx readme for production deployment notes.


We use OpenID and the oidc-provider library to provide identity. Check out the documentation in src/auth/