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ID Server

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🛠 Status: Maintenance Mode | Stable

This project is currently in maintenance mode - users should feel free to continue to use this app and expect bug fixes, but not expect many additional features.

Resonate ID

Resonate's ID server is a Go OAuth2 Server based on RichardKnop/go-oauth2-server.

See also


There are three setup tasks when working with the ID server

  1. Setup the config store
  2. Setup the data stores
  3. Compile the server

Config Store​

The ID server uses etcd as a config store.

Install etcd (if needed, and platform specific) and run it

brew install etcd

Load the sample config and verify it

etcdctl put /config/go_oauth2_server.json "$(cat ./config.sample.json)"
etcdctl get /config/go_oauth2_server.json

Data Store​

At some point, we will be merging both the ID server and User API repos. Until then, the ID server needs a direct database connection to the User API.

Using resonatecoop/user-api-client, the ID server can also make RESTful requests to the User API.

User API​

(How to setup the User API locally, check out user-api github repository)


To compile the server run

go install .


Run the server

go run go-oauth2-server.go runserver


(How to deploy to staging and production using docker)


Add a git hook for proper formatting
